LinkedIn Article 11 - Stamped Vintage LLC


Lien Business Plan

Executive Summary

Stamped Vintage LLC, led by Dorian Dovai, is introducing an innovative solution to address

the needs of mental health facilities, the United States Military, and school districts nationwide: Fix

Broken Families. Utilizing consumer data input and Artificial Intelligence, Fix Broken Families

creates a personalized, interactive Augmented Reality (AR) character that serves as a form of digital

afterlife and offers mental health support. With a patent pending, Stamped Vintage LLC is

positioned to lead the market in AR innovation for social work and mental health.

Market Analysis

The AR market is projected to reach $198.17 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 57.8%

from 2020 to 2025 (source: MarketsandMarkets). The demand for digital afterlife and mental health

support services is increasing, and Fix Broken Families is poised to meet this need by offering a

unique, engaging product.

Product Description

Fix Broken Families is an Artificial Intelligence driven AR persona that uses consumer data

input to create a personalized, interactive character. The character serves as a form of digital

afterlife and offers mental health support, providing users with a unique, engaging experience.

Marketing & Sales Strategy

Stamped Vintage LLC will target mental health facilities, the United States Military, and

school districts nationwide. The company will utilize strategic partnerships, direct sales, and

government contracts to reach its target audience. The product will be sold directly to mental health

facilities, the military, and school districts through the company's website and through app stores.

Revenue Model

Fix Broken Families will generate revenue through direct sales, licensing, and subscription

models. The company will also explore opportunities for government grants and contracts such as

National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Program.

Management Team

Dorian Dovai, the owner and founder of Stamped Vintage LLC, is a seasoned entrepreneur

with a proven track record in the tech industry. The company will also hire a team of experienced AI

and AR developers, mental health professionals, and sales professionals, such as Teric


Funding Requirements

Stamped Vintage LLC is seeking $3 million in funding to support product development,

marketing, and sales efforts. The funds will be used to hire a team, develop the product, and launch

a robust marketing campaign.

Exit Strategy

The exit strategy for investors includes acquisition by a larger tech company or an initial

public offering (IPO).


With a patent-pending, a strong management team, and a unique, innovative product,

Stamped Vintage LLC is poised to lead the market in AR innovation for digital afterlife and mental

health. The company offers a compelling investment opportunity in the rapidly growing AR market,

focusing on addressing critical social needs.

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